Preschool Education
We had an open day in September. It was to demonstrate to the parents what their child learns at school. We have discovered that they have a different notion of what the child learns these days.
Three things that we must remember: -
Children are naturally curious, they move, explore and experiment and learn through their senses. Here we use the term “Whole Child Approach” It is essential to know and understand.
The following concepts while studying the physical development of the child.
We displayed:
Construction and Manipulation Toys –
Blocks, Legos, Threading activities, Dolls, Puzzles and Peg Boards
Concept Toys and Games –
Dominoes, Card Games, Seriation Games, Threading Activities
Children learn through the senses:
Sensory Memory
Five Senses
Sight (eyes/visual) sound (ears/auditory) touch (hands/tactile) taste (mouth/gustatory) smell (nose/olfactory) perception.
Visual Perception – the brain interprets messages received through the eyes.
Visual Discrimination – the ability to see similarities or differences between objects – can sort, match and categorise.
Essential skills for reading, spelling and math:
Auditory Perception – the same – the ears send a message to the brain.
Auditory Discrimination – the ability to hear similarities and differences.
Auditory Closure – the ability to hear through to the end.
Tactile Perception – is the awareness of what we have touched and what touches our bodies.
Sensations – painful, comfortable, pleasant and unpleasant.
Texture – rough, smooth, soft, hard.
Temperature – hot, cold, cool, icy.
Olfactory (smell) perception – an awareness of what the nose has smelled. This includes the brain’s ability to discriminate between and identify differences in odour.
Gustatory (taste) perception – an awareness of what the tongue has tasted, Brains ability to use the sense of taste and the tongue to discriminate between and identify differences in taste, texture and temperature sensations.
So, one of the first steps in healthy emotional development is for children to develop an awareness of themselves.
Working with children is both fascinating and wondrous.
- Wilhelmina Martin